Triple Crown Chiropractic had also partnered with the Rotary Club of Florence Kentucky for the Steinford Toy Drive. Triple Crown Chiropractic and their generous team came together to help in collecting toys. During the length of the toy drive, Triple Crown Chiropractic used their building as a donation site. So others in the community could donate toys to help families. They ended up collecting about two boxes of toys. These toys were donated to the Steinford Toy Drive, where they were wrapped and gifted to families in our community. The Rotary Club of Florence would like to recognize their outstanding team effort in collecting these toys that helped others through the holiday season. Rotary Club would also like to recognize their donations are helping more families in our community like years before. If your business or organization would like to be a part of future Steinford Toy Drives, please contact Roger Babik at (859)-816-6087 or
#FloRo #ServiceAboveSelf #PeopleofAction #RotaryOpensOpportunities #Christmas2021 #SteinfordToys #SteinfordToyDrive #SpreadingCheer